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It seems that there is something off with resizing classes in a UML diagram.


If I need to enlarge the class to show more attributes, it also expands the operations space unnecessarily, and there’s no way to grow the attributes space inside the existing shape space. This leads to ugly looking objects with large, empty operations space.

It’s really important to be able to grow/shrink the two spaces of the object separately.

I have the same issue

Hi everyone 👋

You are right, currently, it's not possible to auto-resize the UML Class shapes so they show the text correctly in the blocks. The good news is that this improvement is already in our backlog.

With that, we have converted this post into a Wish List idea, and will post an update here in the thread once we release this functionality.

Thank you, @Helga.

Please keep us updated this topic. 

Are there any ETA updates on this please?

Hi @Roman Deputat @Todd Slavinsky 👋

The improvement is in the backlog.
I’m afraid that we don’t have any ETA from the Product team.

I have the same issue on the MIRO app and the UML shapes.

Can that be ranked higher ?:)

I also have this issue!

This isn’t a problem specific to UML classes. Currently, there is no way to easily resize one shape within a group of shapes. I think the fact that this “wish list” item is specific to UML classes is likely why people are not finding this post and therefore not upvoting it. There has to be a significant number of people struggling with this for any number of diagraming and visualization needs - not just UML. It seems kind of ridiculous that this is not a higher priority; it’s such a common, fundamental need.

Even though the large company I work for has provided everyone Miro access, my team started using Figma for diagraming because we ran into so many blatant short-comings like this in Miro. It’s just so time-consuming to work with if you’re trying to create a consistent and organized visualization. Everything becomes a manual, tedious process of redrawing, resizing, recreating and repeat every time you add a new shape in your diagram or, god forbid, try to resize the content within a shape.

What a pity.

We just upgraded our company account to for the purpose of editing UML.
But, frankly speaking, issues like this make miro practically unusable for professional UML work. 
We will consider downgrading again.

It’s been more than a year, no improvement yet. Still huge empty classes all the way...



How come this is still not an available feature? 

This is still a problem, the UML class diagram is not worthy for many applications because they can’t add new operations or attributes!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team

How could you make UML shape without an ability to resize sections at all? It is useless. Can you please rename UML section and stop advertising Miro supports UML. Thanks.

Hello Miro Team,

I am also facing same issue, not able resize class attribute, I am migrating to this tool for very powerful other tool for fast & collaborative development but this simple issue is frustrating. Seems this issue is open since 2 years.

This function should be supported by default, so I didn't check it before purchasing.

The requirements came up two years ago, and it's very surprising that there hasn't been any changes yet.

It is doubtful that people in this company also use the functions they created.

I found a workaround, i have created multiple boxes one for class name, class attribute and class methods and placed it vertically and grouped it. Now whenever needed i will ungroup it and reshape and group it again, it will fine for me.

Hi everyone,

I truly appreciate all the feedback and patience you've shown regarding the resizing issue with UML classes. I understand the frustration, especially since this feature has been on the radar for so long.


A special thanks to ​@Vijaynath MANIARASU  for sharing their workaround! 


In the meantime, I’d recommend checking the changelog for any updates regarding this feature. We’re constantly working on improvements, and your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping guide those updates.


Thanks again for your understanding, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have further questions or need additional assistance!