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Import of user stories to better laid out Cards


I am wondering is any one has found an option to import user stories from google sheets or excel with (Title, Description, Acceptance Criteria and (nice to have) some sort of Tag / Category) into cards where at least the first three items are always visible on the card, or at least in separate ‘fields’.

I have set up and used the Zapier integration to get the data in but the ootb cards don’t really allow the separation of the Description and Acceptance Criteria 😞.

Would also need to be able to export the cards back to a spreadsheet at the end of the workshop. Has anybody done this or might be able to help?



@Wurzel - Where do your user stories existing before the workshop, e.g., Azure/Jira/Trello/etc.?

And where will they end up once exported from Miro?

@Robert Johnson - they are not in any system - just in MS Excel or in a google spreadsheet. And that is also where they should go back to at the end.

@Wurzel - Since there is not out-of-the-box functionality to create Cards with all of the fields you have listed, you would have to manually add the details after creating the base Cards -- the base Cards could be created by copy-pasting the desired Card names from Excel/Google Sheets to a Miro board which would create Sticky Notes, then you could switch the type from Sticky Note to Cards.

Miro Developer Platform

You would explore having someone with a development background create an app for you -- more  information and documentation can be found here.


You could try the following process:

  1. import a CSV into Jira to create Jira cards
  2. Install the Jira Cards app by Miro
  3. The Jira Cards app would then create Miro Cards that are synced with the Jira Cards
  4. After your workshop, you could export the Jira Cards to CSV (or just continue to use Miro or Jira for your cards/stories management.