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Export Org Chart to CSV

Related products:Apps & Integrations
  • Mike Mansfield
    Mike Mansfield
  • Anthony Crain
  • Davide Fantin

The Org Chart app is awesome! And the import from CSV is slick and really helpful. But we also need to export it back to a CSV.

  1. I create an org chart from CSV with 20 people on it.
  2. I find 10 more people to add. It is much easier to do this via CSV. 
  3. But I’ve also made small changes to the org chart in miro.
  4. Export back to CSV <new>
  5. Add the 10 new people to the CSV
  6. Re-Import the CSV now with 30 people.

This feature would also be useful to connect to other org chart tools that read from CSV.

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Another issue: I had two trees in my org chart and discovered a third tree. I couldn’t find a way to start a third tree. I can add to the two existing trees. I added the new people in the third tree to the CSV and imported and I got my three trees. Gorgeous. But again, I had to redo all of my updates that I had made to the miro org chart back into my original CSV manually first.

  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • June 20, 2024

Hi @Anthony Crain 


Sorry to hear about your frustrations! Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this idea and share your feedback.


Should our team have any other questions, they will be sure to follow up.  For those coming across this idea, if you feel it's helpful to have or have additional suggestions, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.

+1 I’d love to see this as it would allow bulk updates and also ensuring interops in case of need to move this outside of Miro.

