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Expand/ collapse user story map cards

  • August 22, 2023
  • 1 reply
  • Mark Mastman

Hello Miro team! First of all, let me tell you I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bi-directional JIRA connection, especially in combination with the user story map template. It provides a great overview of all the things that need to be done and is always up-to-date!

Having said that, what would be even awesomer (haha!) is if there was an option to expand/ collapse all the items in a user story map. I do realize that it can become quite busy, but when I want to review these items with someone, it becomes a bit cumbersome to open each card to see the details. So being able to expand and collapse the details for all cards would be really helpful! If the user story map could then be exported as a PDF, the world would be an even better place! :-) 

Alternatively, it would at least be a bit better, if the user could hover over an item and see the details without having to open the card - you know, for a quick look. But the above expand/ collapse option would be my preferred solution :-)


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It would look something like this:

