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Object Templates

  • December 22, 2020
  • 1 reply
Sean Kelleher
Scott Blinn
  • Sean Kelleher
    Sean Kelleher
  • LinaEckardt
  • Scott Blinn
    Scott Blinn
  • Nick Roth
  • Poggs
  • Trick
  • Luisa Sousa
  • Cesar Nicola

Scott Blinn

It would be great if we could create “object templates” from groups of board objects that were painstakingly put together for use across many boards as a standard element for teams.

This is different than board templates as the objects would appear in a “template objects” selector on any board to allow easy access and import of the specific group of objects you have saved out for frequent use.

This is also more efficient and organized that copy/pasting selected objects between boards.


  1. Select a group of objects on a Miro board and choose “Save As Object Template”.
  2. Choose to save the selection as a new Object Template (or overwrite/update an existing Object Template).
  3. On a new Miro board, go to the Object Template pulldown/button and choose a template (folder organization, tags, and search filtering all nice to have) and choose the desired Object Template.
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  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 5, 2021

I was wondering if this was already a feature. Our team have some tokens with our faces on, and we use them repeatedly throughout our boards. If a user wished to change their token image, it would be ideal if this change updated every instance of the Object Template.