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API Update

  • October 26, 2020
  • 0 replies

Hi everyone, I see some urgency in the update of the Miro API - integration is a key differentiator and the number of external apps, smart templates and such will only increase when the APIs get sorted. (I am not talking about SSO integrations or live embedding here).

Part of the wish list:

  • Freedom to colors - let’s leave it to the developer what colors (of a widget) they need to use. Please remove the limitations.
  • Width and heights of widgets - why is there a minimum width of 32 pixels even for a line?
    Please remove the limitations.
  • get parameters should be compatible to create parameters: When I read out background color, it mistakenly shortens the #ffffff to #ffff and this leads to an error when creating a new widget with this color setting.
  • Please allow
    • tagging of widgets, e.g. stickers via API
    • locking of widgets, e.g. background graphics, to prevent users from messing with them when using a whiteboard
    • visibility / hide settings as available on the UI.

Definitely time for API v2 !

Regards, Boris

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