I love the mindmap tools in Miro and I also love the drawing capabillities and pen/pencil compatibillity.
Marrying these two together even more would be amazing as there is a disconnect between the node mindmapping and the drawing experience/features. (Such as the grouping objects to nodes for locked movement or auto alignment as well as abillity to collapse objects with the nodes.)
I’ve got three versions of this Idea in my mind and maybe all of them can co exist.
- Abillity to Draw nodes:
a. Similar to the magic tool and shape tool but either whatever shape you draw becomes a node and has node qualites/characteristics
b. or what ever you encircle becomes grouped together and encapsuled by a node and can be connected to a branch system with all its features.
c. both of which then can be made into a parent node or a child node to be connected to parent nodes.
- Abillity to draw node connections: Much like the “Connection Line” but the result it creating a branch from parent node and
a. if not connected to anything: Creates a child node.
b. If the drawed line is connected to a different node or object: Then Connects the parent node to the node or objects the connection is drawn to with a branch.
- A function that changes an objects quality/characteristics into a node or a node branch.
I hope I managed to communicate this idea well and it’s doable.
Thank you for your time and all the best!