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Editing same object by multiple users at the same time

Hi Miro team,

Here is a user story that becomes a huge blocker in our team collaboration on Miro boards, and every time we stumble upon it we are forced to go to another tool which supports proper live collaboration.

As a user whenever another user(s) is editing an object,
I would like to be able to edit the same object at the same time
so that we can collaborate on the same object simultaneously.


My guess as engineer is that there is a technical limitation that doesn’t allow editing the same object by multiple users at the same time (locking on object level). This seems to be not a big problem when an object is something small, like a sticky. However, it becomes a bigger problem if you are trying to draft a text in a text view together. Same if you are trying to work on a story card within User Story Map. One person can write down all the text and change attributes (tags, color, status etc.), but the rest of audience can only observe and wait, they cannot collaborate on different parts of the same story. Locking on object level also creates unnecessary friction, whereby one person clicked on object, interacted with it and then forgot to clear the focus, and if another person wants to interact with this object they need to ask that first person to release the focus.

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