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Support different text alignment styles within a single shape

  • January 6, 2023
  • 1 reply
  • oliverhardman_1

Currently text in a shape can only have one alignment style applied (left, centre, right). I want to be able to apply different alignment styles to each row of text within an object. This is currently possible with other text formating options (such as bold, italic, underline and colour) but not alignment.

Example, I want to have the first line of text centre aligned (as a heading for the object) and then the remaining rows left justified. Example below was created using work around of creating a separate text box for the text heading.


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  • May 1, 2023

Similar request but slightly different use case.  

When you have a shape that is a different width but same height next to each other and you have chosen align center top. The text does not line up across the shapes.  The wider the shape gets the lower the “Top” text will go.  


Desired outcome would be for the text to across the tops of the objects.  

Note: I realize the workaround it to add a seperate text element.  But it would be nice to have the shape text align.  
