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New role: Contributor (can only edit their content)

  • December 14, 2022
  • 5 replies
  • Erica Zambrano
  • Warren Beam
  • Amy Ballew
  • Tetsuyuki Mutou
    Tetsuyuki Mutou

Robert Johnson

As of this post, the available board-level roles are:

Source: Roles in Miro Help Center article. 


Proposed New Role: Contributor

I am proposing a new role in between an Editor and a Commenter. The new role could be called Contributor.

This role would only edit the objects they have created.

Other Potential Rules

  • As it exists today, Owners, Co-owners, and Editors would have full edit rights for any objects created by any role.
  • Locking rules will be as they are today.
  • This one gets tricky: Should the Contributor role be allowed to place an object over top of an object they didn't create? (With the exception of Frames and adding Comments to objects.) I could see this being problematic where they want to add a Sticky Note to an object, or if they are trying to added an object to a rectangle shape where there is a blank space – so now does locating text in that rectangle need to occur? Or what if they board owner use an image as a background? I suppose I am overthinking this and the MVP would be keep the existing functionality and monitor feedback to see if there is even a problem to be solved.

Use Cases

  • A guestbook or farewell card.
  • An unsolved murder board where you are asking for feedback/contributions – this was my recent use case where I wanted to suggest that a true crime podcast could use Miro to show all of the details they know about a case and then ask their listeners to add any information they may have about the case to the Miro board. This would be Visitors access/Anyone with the link → Can contribute.
  • Any time you want to ensure that participants are not deleting other participants content.
  • Lean Planning board – as per @Matthijs oude Lohuis‘s comment below.


Please leave a reply with any

  • additional use cases that come to mind,
  • tips/critiques.
  • And of course, please upvote the idea if you like it!
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5 replies

This would be a very usefull role (only to be able to edit the items you made) when working with Lean Planning board. One of the most important rules we use: ‘you are only allowed to edit you own planned items’. At this moment this is hard to regulate. It would also prevent some of the (mostly unintended) moving of items on the board that are not yours.

However it would be important to be able to have this options when sharing the board through a link (with password). I can understand that this would only apply for contributors that have created a (free) named miro-account.

Robert Johnson
  • Author
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • December 23, 2022

Thanks for sharing your use case, @Matthijs oude Lohuis – I have added it to the original post.

However it would be important to be able to have this options when sharing the board through a link (with password).

Agreed – I see this new role being available for those accessing a board with a password. 

I can understand that this would only apply for contributors that have created a (free) named miro-account.

Since the existing Visitors feature has can Edit, Comment, and View only role options, I see the new Contributor role being available for non-registered users. The condition being, if you leave the board you will likely not be able to edit your objects when you return. Unless, however, Miro uses a cookie to store the board session information for the purpose of remembering which objects you created.

Henrik Ståhl

Oooh, I like this idea @Robert Johnson

Should the Contributor role be allowed to place an object over top of an object they didn't create?

Not allowing contributors to place an object on top of another user’s object sounds very complicated, so I’d say go for the simple solution (only edit objects they have created themselves but allow them to be placed anywhere).

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 27, 2025

Yes, yes, yes!  This is needed.


Here’s a case:

Say you’re facilitating (or teaching) a session and have a board layout defined (that you might use over and over).  It’s locked -- because you don’t want the participants to change the “landscape”.

People (or students) are invited to the board to interact and engage on the board (e,g, post stickies, make comments, etc.).  But… you don’t want them to be able to change/alter the “locked” landscape.


Do others have this need?  If so, how do you work around it?

Robert Johnson
  • Author
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • February 28, 2025

@Sue Galatz - What you are describing sounds like an ideal use case for Miro's Layers feature.

You could create a layer called Landscape where you'd build your board structure, putting everything in this later that participants do not need to directly interact with. Then, you can easily lock the entire layer. Additionally, you will want to apply the Protected Lock as even items that are locked can be duplicated (usually by accidental Ctrl/Cmd + D key strokes).

It's worth mentioning that you can also lock any item on its down (they don't have to be in a layer first).
