I want Miro to support the use of the Wacom Intuos Pro graphic tablet
- drawing without spikes, i.e. pen input to be rendered well (and you answered in another thread here 5 months ago that you don't intend to expand these features → so what's that looking like today?
- real time rendering of illustrations in video conferences , to use the tablet with Miro like a whiteboard where you can illustrate ideas and lofi designs while in a conversation with others online (also mentioned as not working in another thread here)
- using the shortcut buttons on the table to call up functions like draw, create a note etc in Miro
In the creative / design industry this is needed to use Miro!
I want to be able to have a workshop or meeting with others online and write on a whiteboard, put post-its up and use the capabilities of my graphic tablet / the similarity to using a whiteboard manually without being restricted by only a mouse and a keyboard .
When will you add these functionalities to your product?
New tag → # graphic tablet support!!!!