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Miro start issues

  • September 7, 2020
  • 5 replies

Hi Miro Community, 

i´m Robin and new to Miro. Some friends showed me Miro and i thought it´s a really cool solution to work better together!

Now my issues: I registered and downloaded the App(Microsoft Version). If i try to open a board (“my first board” or any other board..) i can only see the Miro Logo and nothing more. It doesn´t matter if i try the Browserversion or the App. 

Am i doing anything wrong or can anybody give me advice?

thanks in advance, Robin

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  • September 7, 2020


i downloaded now the App on my Iphone and i can open it here and work with it but i still can not open it in the browser or in the surface app..

  • Author
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  • September 7, 2020

Next update: I can only open new boards on my iphone but i can´t open one of the templates like the concept map or the mind map.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • September 7, 2020

@Robin Fischer -

Try opening a board in Miro using your browser in incognito mode - does that work?


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • September 7, 2020

Hi @Kiron Bondale 

i tried it but it´s loading for over 5 minutes now.. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • September 7, 2020

Coincidentally I have been noticing some slowness when opening some boards. Just last night I went to the Miroverse site, went to the page for the Le Miro Cafe template, and when I select Use template, and then select the team that I would like to add the board to, it takes between 4-5 minutes for the board to load - I tried this three times between last night and just now (9:30 AM CST). I see this screen for 4-5 minutes before the board loads:

@Robin Fischer - A few questions in addition to @Kiron Bondales:

  1. I have never owned a Surface tablet, but it is my understanding that some of them run the lite version of Windows 10 called “Windows10 S” and this lite version only runs apps from the Windows Store. Did you install the Miro app from the Windows Store or did you install the full version of the Windows Miro app? Not that this should stop a board from even loading because it shouldn’t. I just wanted to fully understand your setup. Here’s a link to the Miro apps download page and the Desktop App help article ← search this help article for “App restrictions” to see the differences between the Windows Store app / Windows app.
  2. Have you added any other team members to your Free Plan team who could try to open the boards you cannot?
  3. Can you create a new, blank board? When you click New board, you are not required to select a template. When you click New board and the Choose a template window opens, just close it by either using the “X” at the top-right corner or by pressing the Esc key. Then try adding an object, e.g., a sticky note, closing the board, and opening it again.
