Users use an installation link to install the plugin. How do I get an access token to use for the REST API?
The SDK only offers `miro.getIdToken`, but not an accessToken.
Use Case
I have a plugin that can drag & drop elements into the Miro board. Users can purchase additional elements to drop. Therefore, I have a backend that keeps track of user purchases.
- Web SDK initializes plugin.
- I use `miro.getToken()` (deprecrated) in the Web SDK to retrieve a token.
- I make an API call to the backend, using this token.
- My backend uses to retrieve the e-mail address.
- I cross-reference the e-mail with the purchases in the web-shop to unlock purchased products for this user (*)
With the deprecation of `getToken()`, I cannot access the REST API anymore. The new idToken returns 401 Unauthorized.
*) Actually , this is a bit different, but doesn't matter for this context.