Hey everyone, I’m following thishttps://developers.miro.com/docs/working-with-sticky-notes-and-tags-with-the-rest-api and after obtaining my oath for my app and plug that in the code, plus added the board id from https://miro.com/app/board/uXjXXXXXXXX/ where uXjXXXXXXXX(censored) is the board id and i get the following error:
const sticky = await board.createStickyNoteItem({
TypeError: board.createStickyNoteItem is not a function
Complete code:
// Using miro-api client library
const { MiroApi, ShapeItem } = require("@mirohq/miro-api");
const board = api.getBoard('uXjXXXXXXXX')
async function main() {
const sticky = await board.createStickyNoteItem({
data: {
content: "I'm a sticky note",
shape: "square",
style: {
fillColor: "light_yellow",
textAlign: "center",
textAlignVertical: "top",
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
I think the issue is with permissions or things like that but I’ve checked my team and app and it has write and read permissions for the team boards.
Any tip?