
Miro API's require Session token. How to generate session tokens ?

  • 21 January 2021
  • 3 replies

Hi team 


I am trying to use API and it seems it requires a session token. Can anyone help me with steps to acquire session token for MIRO.



Best answer by Daniela Gavidia 21 January 2021, 23:01

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3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hello Phani,


The endpoint you are trying to access is not part of our public API. Please refer to our documentation for the endpoints that are available publicly:


Kind regards.



Badge +1

Hello Daniela,

why don’t you open ( as Beta? ) the internal API?

It seems to be compatible but much more powerful. i.e. over the official API the board object only has very few fields whereas would give us loads of useful information when called like through the web app.

fields = id,title,owner{id,name,deactivated},ownerConnection{accountConnection{organizationConnection{license,deactivated}}},picture,ownerName,currentUserPermission{role,permissions},currentUserContext{user{id}},sharingPolicy,sharingPolicyOnAccount,sharingPolicyOnOrganization,lockedByAccountExpired,lockedByUsersPerBoardLimitExceeded,lockedByUsersPerAccountLimitExceeded,lockedByBoardsPerAccountLimitExceeded,inviteToAccountAndBoardLink,hasPublicAccessPassword,copyAccessLevel,project{id,title},invites.limit(4){email,role},permissions.limit(4){user{id,name,email},role},account{id,role,type,title,features,expired,expirationDate,limits,whoCanInvite,currentUserPermission{role,permissions},currentUserConnection{isAccountCreator},trial,invitationLink,inviteExternalUsersEnabled,participantPostInvitationPaymentTest,organization{id,title,features,type,currentUserPermission,sharingPolicySettings,security{accountsVisibilityRestrictionEnabled}},trialData,abTests,collaborationSettings,domainProps{domainName,email,confirmed}},whoChangedPassword


I’m particularly interested in hasPublicAccessPassword. But that’s just one example.



Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Matthias.Cullmann,


Thanks for sharing this feedback.

We plan to expand the current data model and to add new ones in the future to offer more capabilities to developers. We don’t plan to fully open our internal APIs from a day to another, these APIs have not been designed, built and documented to be exposed externally but we are working with the different teams at Miro to offer many more new capabilities on our public platform over time. It takes time to make this change. The company is growing very fast, we are working towards an API-first approach and we are reworking on some of our internals to offer a better API product to our users. I will pass the feedback internally that improving the board data model is important for our users.



