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In our meeting platform, we want to automatically generate a miro board for each room and give any guest in the meeting the ability to edit the board, not just view it.

Looking at the documentation, it seems like we can’t generate one of these guest, embedded Miro boards use the REST API directly, we have to present someone in the meeting with a boards picker and have them create the board. We would then capture the URL and send it to everyone else in the meeting automatically.

Am I understanding the workflow correctly?


Ideally, on our server, I would generate a Miro board for each room and populate our client apps with it. Guest joining the meeting would see the board immediately.

Hey @ou812,

Your use case is definitely something we have been discussing internally. But at this point, you are correct in your understanding of the workflow. You’ll have to present the boards picker to a user in order to generate a temporary board.


Let me know if you encounter any other trouble!
