I’m creating a rectangle and text item with the API successfully and then attempting to group them together. I receive a 201 and an id for the group. But when I go to the UI the items are not grouped together or in any group. I’ve checked and feel confident I’m sending the correct ids for the rectangle and text item.
Here is what I send:
POST https://api.miro.com/v2/boards/uXblahblahA=/groups
{'data': {'items': ['3458764621210577058', '3458764621210577077']}}
Here is what I receive:
{'id': '3458764621210577087', 'type': 'group', 'data': {'items': [3458764621210577058, 3458764621210577077]}, 'links': {'self': 'https://api.miro.com/v2/boards/uXblahblahA%3D/groups/3458764621210577087'}}
What am I missing?