Capturing node links in an embedded page

  • 12 August 2020
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

I am using the brain map template of miro and loving it.  I have the map embedded in my website.  The different nodes in my mind map are titles and currently I have it so that each node links to a completely new html page on my website.  What I mean is that if you click on a word in my miro mind map you will be taken to a new page to read about the topic you clicked on.  Each page of my website still has this miro mind map at the top so you can navigate to another topic in the map.


So here is where I want to go with this.  I want the mind map to stay at the top of the page where the user has zoomed in or moved it etc, and when the user clicked on something in the map instead of being taken to a whole new page I want to capture what the user has clicked on and change the bottom half of my html page where the info is.  Meaning, everytime a user clicks on something in the map the state of the map stays the same because the user is not taken to a new webpage instead it is triguring some html and the user stays an that page and the bottom half of the page changes to show new info depending on what the user clicked on.


Any advice on how to accomplish this or built in functionality that could help? Thanks.



I want to be able to click on a node with a link and stay on the same html page, just with a piece of the html page being updated. 

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi Ladd!

I see you’re waiting for response for some time already =(

The request is quite complex, I’m afraid there is no simple ready-to-use solution right now. 

The only thing that comes to my mind is building a web-plugin that would catch clicks on mind map and open a page on your website.

I have not seen such examples before, curious to see what you end up with.


To learn more about web-plugins:

Userlevel 4


It sounds to me like you want a ontology tool rather than try to reinvent the basics with miro & html!

for a good commercial tool that sounds like your imagining look at - also look at if the thebrain isn’t your thing

Getting broader in coverage there is a list of lots of stuff at

there are also good pages leading from the OWL Ontology page of Wikipedia and then into google scholar for academic papers


Ciao :)
