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Bug Report: Metadata update from current app overwrites another apps metadata


We have couple of web plugins that use metadata, When app#1 updates metadata it is stored in the below format


Let say we are updating metadata from another app, then its getting stored by removing the app#1’s metadata.


We couldn’t workaround the problem by supplying entire metadata(from both app’s), in which case below error appears

You can write metadata only for your app Id ‘3323453453454….’

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3 replies

Daniela Gavidia

Hello Ramkumar,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I can confirm that this is a current limitation of the SDK. I have notified the engineering team about it and they have added it to their backlog. This will be fixed in a future release of the SDK.

Kind regards.



  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • January 9, 2021

@Daniela Gavidia , Thank you for the update.

Please also note that when I refresh the page the data from other app actually still exists, it just seems that once update happens then throughout the specific browser session the other app data seemingly disappears when using get methods, but then on the page reload it is back to normal. 


It is still a deal breaker, would be great if there is workaround for this.

Daniela Gavidia

Hello @Ramkumar,


We rolled out some fixes for metadata last week that fixed the issue you experienced with one plugin overwriting the metadata of another plugin. This should work as expected now.
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. If you observe unexpected behavior, please let us know.


Kind regards.


