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Hey everyone,

Following this documentation about Storage, I might not understand it correctly or it may not be working as expected.

Regarding App Metadata and Item Metadata, for both it says:

How is it stored? → Per board, per app (and per board Item for Item metadata).

If I make a copy of a board, will the data persist? → for App Metadata and Item Metadata it is marked with a V, and for collection X.


It sounds somewhat contradictory to me.. but I expected that when I duplicate a board, both metadatas (App and Item) will be copied from board to board.

I tried to test it. I’m developing a Miro App which upserts metadata upon icon click, where metadataKey=”key”. It also have a Shape with metadata. Both holding {“hello”:”world”}.

I then went to the list of boards. Selected it, and then clicked on Duplicate.

In the new board, when the App loads - it doesn’t see any previous App metadata (via getAppMetadata(‘key’)). And the Shape .getMeatadata() also returns empty.

(Note: As as developer, I’ve tested this as a developer team on developers board.]

Result: no metadata is copied when duplicated boards. Is this the expected behavior?


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