Adding a custom field blocks the possibility of changing data in the card preview

  • 12 July 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +1


I have a problem and can't find any information about it.
I use the method miro.board.createCard to create new cards described on the page

If I don't add cusftom fields i.e. leave the array empty ( fields: [] ) - by clicking the detail preview icon for the card - I can edit the fields (color, author, description, etc.)


However, if you add a custom field

fields: [ { value: 'Bug fix', iconUrl: '', iconShape: 'round', fillColor: '#E5E5E5', textColor: '#000000', tooltip: 'Caption text displayed in a tooltip when clicking or hovering over the preview field', }, ],

- in this preview all fields are locked

I cannot change them here.
However, from the toolbar I can do it (for some fields)

This bar allows you to change the fields: color, status, date, author, tag, etc. However, you cannot provide a description.


Why are the fields in the preview blocked after adding custom firlds and cannot be changed?



4 replies

Badge +1

The description is a bit inaccurate, i.e. it is about card detailed view when the user clicks on the open modal icon on the app card preview.

The read-only mode is enabled on card item when something is added to the "fields" field - i.e. in this case in the card detailed view modal, the form fields (title, color, status, description, etc.) are locked and cannot be changed - the message In read -only mode is displayed at the bottom of the window.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey @jkowalski,

Thanks a lot for raising this—I can see the behavior you’re referring to. Let me raise this with our engineering team and get back to you shortly.



Hi @William Bishop 
Any progress on this issue? Experiencing the same here and wasn’t able to find any workarounds.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey @Dmytro Grechko,

Thanks a lot for following up on this. I’ve just checked back with our Engineering team on the latest with this case, and I’ll do my best to get back to you all on this thread shortly.

