As a facilitator (both process & training facilitation), my choice of using Miro one year ago was driven by a single: a collaborative platform where ALL participants can engage and interact. The more active, the better!
So, it’s really important to onboard new (and returning) participants onto Miro. Do it well and the experience will be tremendous. I take pride for meticulous onboarding regardless for a group 2 or 200.
Here’s how my Miro onboarding has evolved over the last year!
June 2020 - I started using Miro in April 2020 and this was one of the first paid client events done virtual. Basic look and at that point, anybody can unlock anything on a Miro board. It was dangerous times, but we love it!

Current 2021 - This is how my Miro onboarding segment currently looks like. Any recurring challenges that participants continuously came across in my previous sessions are addressed in this view. The number of Miro tools that I demo are also context dependent. The shorter the event, the less tools I preview.

Large Scale Onboarding in 3 Languages - I recently provided virtual facilitation support for a global NGO’s event. The added challenge here is the 3 languages that the event runs on. Similar to the previous onboarding format, I’ve expanded the views to include translation for the 3 languages.

Now that I’ve shared my onboarding method, how about sharing yours?