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What is the best practice to handle large text in Miro?

Hey There,

I ran into an issue adding long text and style it in Miro, currently I’m using sticky notes, and text elements and shapes to do so. but is there a better way to do it like rich text with ability to style text and change font/color.

Currently it looks ugly to add long text using text element because for some reason the element does not fit the text when it’s too long and when I’m in view mode the text overflows the element and looks like this


And when ​​​​​​ in edit mode it trims the text like this

Any idea how to do this better or the right way?


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2 replies

This is an issue I am communicating with the support team about. This is the 3rd post today (including my own) about this same issue. This is not something I feel that the user can resolve. This is something that the team at Miro need to resolve I believe. 

Kenneth Ritley

HI @Ahmed El-Maghrabi 

It could be what Jeremy wrote about being a bug . . . but I just did a quick test and I had no issues creating a text box with up to 224 lines of text, which is much longer than what you have. Also my box was completely colored e.g. the text did not extend beyond the colored region.

I am not sure if it will help, but from time to time Miro does get a bit screwed up -- and by deleting your browser’s cache, or at least by trying on a different browser, that may be one way to see if this is a real issue or just a cache problem.

But as mentioned, for me I could add up to 224 lines of text into a colorful text box.

Hope this helps!  Ken
