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Web Clipper Chrome extension Error

  • 6 September 2021
  • 1 reply

When I click Miro Web Clipper extensions, this message pops-up. How can I fix this?

@YeomĀ - I donā€™t have much experience with the inner workings of this tool, but I have used it a few times over the years, and just installed and tested it again with no issues.

From what I gather, you have successfully installed the Miro Web Clipper browser extension, but when you try to use it on a web page you get the ā€œyou do not have access to this serviceā€ message - is that correct?

A few possible reasons for the error could be if you are

  • a Google Workspace user and this extension/service is blocked and your Workspace service admin needs to look into this.
  • running a managed instance of Chrome - again, an admin needs to look into this issue:
  • a member of the Miro Enterprise Plan - although, this is a long shot as I donā€™t see any mention of plan restrictions in the Web Clipper Help Center article.
