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We're having problem with content in Tables - it's disappearing, and undo isn't working on everything

  • February 1, 2022
  • 2 replies

We’re currently working in large tables on a shared board at the moment. And we are regularly finding that we paste content into a cell - and then we click out and it disappears. When we look into history - the action either isn’t there - or when we click the ‘undo’ feature - even though we do this within seconds/minutes, it says “We can’t restore these objects due to technical limitations - learn more”. But when I click on learn more, there’s no apparent reason that this should be occuring. 

At first we thought this might be some sort of sync issue - but it happens even when there’s only one of us in the board. 

In addition, sometimes when we use Ctrl X to cut something from a table cell and paste it into another cell - it’s not available to paste. And again, when we go to history, we are unable to undo and get the same message as above. 

One final thing that has happened - but only once - is that one of our tables has a piece of floating text in it that we are unable to access.  It cannot be clicked on. It just floats around the table. We’ve tried moving the table to another board and it comes with it. We though perhaps it was sitting under the table as a separate piece of text somehow - but it’s not. It’s in the table. And it cannot be edited or selected in any way shape or form.  

Is anyone else having these problems?


P.S. Despite Miro’s description of me as a Beginner - I have been using Miro almost fulltime for two years now - so I am not a Beginner. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • February 2, 2022

@Kate McRae - This sounds like an issue for Miro support to investigate. You can find the Miro support form by following these steps:

If you are on a Free Plan, you can find the support form in the same article by searching for “contact form”.

Lauree Schloss

I am also experiencing this problem and it is maddening when the undo doesn’t work, especially when working with tables, and I have to redo hours of work to correct.  To the point that it is making me lose faith in Miro as a product for what I am using it for (complex journey mapping).  :( 
