Trouble with participants reporting they could not unmute themselves

  • 2 October 2020
  • 2 replies


We put on our first Miro workshop yesterday and had 13 total participants, all using video chat. During our 2hr workshop, most participants muted themselves until they had something to say… we had 3 participants realize they were unable to unmute themselves at various times once they went to speak, despite clicking the “unmute” icon at the bottom center of the screen. A few were able to fix it by exiting the board and re-entering multiple times, but for one person the only thing that fixed it was a computer restart. Any advice or thoughts as to why this happened? It was disruptive to say the least for the participants that dealt with it :)

Thank you!


2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey, @Travis Thank you for the report, will investigate the reasons for this behavior! 

I am experiencing the same issue with a Miro workshop as well. Exiting and re-entering worked for them. It was difficult when it is a collaborative workshop to exit and reenter. @Kate Ivanova any more information on this behavior 

