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Saving files locally only?

  • February 18, 2021
  • 6 replies

Can I choose to save files locally, using the web version, without the file being saved on Miro servers?

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6 replies

Soumyadeep Mandal

Hi @Scott Michael Fenn 

Welcome to the Miro Online Community!

Currently, you can’t save the boards offline! But you can export the boards offline. Just follow this documentation/guide

OK, understood. Thank you. Do you know if there is a plan to change this? Unfortunately I will not be able to use Miro, for security reasons, if it does not become an option. 




  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • February 18, 2021

@Scott Michael Fenn :

This goes into the same direction with this wish:

Just vote for this - this could be a real solution for us European / German users in case of the Privacy and GDPR - 

I love miro but one more time I need to say: Miro it would be nice if you would take more care about this for us European users …

A solution I have taken myself:

Set a lawyer onto this to make it possible that I can use miro with my clients when I invite them onto my board … as long it is unclear I could not … miro is the only solution for me … but if he finds no solution I need to move away from miro … (hopefully not) I love it to much 



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • February 18, 2021

@Scott Michael Fenn -

Can you elaborate on the security concerns? If they are about the ability to restore boards within Miro should there be some sort of catastrophic data center issue they suffer, then you can certainly download a board to a local RTB file which could then be restored.

If you are asking about true offline usability such that boards can be edited without being connected to Miro then that is not currently possible but as @mlanders has suggested, you could upvote the wish-list topic related to that.


  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • February 16, 2022
Kiron Bondale wrote:

@Scott Michael Fenn -

Can you elaborate on the security concerns? If they are about the ability to restore boards within Miro should there be some sort of catastrophic data center issue they suffer, then you can certainly download a board to a local RTB file which could then be restored.

If you are asking about true offline usability such that boards can be edited without being connected to Miro then that is not currently possible but as @mlanders has suggested, you could upvote the wish-list topic related to that.


For me, we (Government) are not allowed to save internal processes etc in the cloud.

I have several clients who do not allow any IP to be kept on storage outside their control.

This would include details of processes, systems, people and decisions. Clearly, these organisations cannot use Miro as a collaboration tool, without a controlled collaboration environment. That’s their choice, and I work within their constraints.

The use case is: I want to work in MIro alone, as an alternative to Visio or OmniGraffle (because it’s better, in some circumstances). I must not store my work in the cloud, but it is acceptable to to store my work on one of those clients’ internal systems (or on a controlled local machine, or even in local browser storage). Miro allows local backups – I need MIro to work on that local backup, yet not to exchange information with the cloud. Imagine that I need to work with my wifi off.

