Revoking Previous Shared Links

  • 14 April 2023
  • 3 replies


I have noticed a potential issue with the "Share board by link" feature in Miro.
I have observed that generated links can be easily disabled by switching the permission from "Anyone can view" to "Restricted." However, when I switch back to "Anyone can view" to share with another visitor, all previous links become accessible again.

Could you please advise on how to revoke all the previous shared links?
I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.
Thank you.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Jiyong Park -

Can you clarify your question as I’m a little unclear on the concern. Each board has a unique URL. When you open public access up, that board becomes accessible via that link for view/comments/edit access. When you restrict it, no one is able to access it. That should only apply to that specific board. 

If you are having different groups of users access the same board over time and you want to restrict the past users from accessing it, that’s a different situation. Then, you are better off duplicating the board so there are two unique URLs for you to grant or restrict access to.


@Kiron Bondale 

Thank you for your response.

"If you are having different groups of users access the same board over time and you want to restrict the past users from accessing it, that’s a different situation. Then, you are better off duplicating the board so there are two unique URLs for you to grant or restrict access to."

This answers my question.

But sill, I think it would be great if there was a feature to restrict access to old links.

I must say, Miro is an excellent tool, and I have tried numerous online whiteboard tools, but Miro stands out as the best.
I am glad to have discovered it recently.
In fact, I shared my positive experience with my colleagues yesterday, and they were impressed, and they are now considering using it too.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Jiyong Park - Because the “Anyone with the link” feature, aka Visitors, is designed to allow non-registered users access to the board, there is no way to “revoke” access. The solution here is to password protect the board and change the password as required.

If you need to control access at the individual user level, e.g., Bill needs to Edit, but Ted only needs to View, and if you have either the Consultant/Business or Enterprise Plan, then you can use the Guests feature.
