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When I click in upper-left ‘free’, the ‘Business’ upgade option is highlighted and I can’t selected ‘Starter’.

I have multiple Miro accounts, one with a university, but I’m logged into my personal account when I do this (which is the one I want to upgrade).



Moderator note to the support team:

When clicking on the work “free” (to the right of the Miro logo), then user is first presented with an “Upgrade” button and are then taken here:


However, if they use the Add teams action, enter a team name, then they see:


@ppangaro - Yikes! I am experiencing the same behaviour on my end. I will convert your post in to a support ticket - you should receive an email confirmation shortly that the ticket was created.

In the meantime, you should be able to use the Add teams action to create a new team. Then, you could add any other users to that team (if there are any) and then move any boards to the new team. Now you’ll still have your Free Plan team, but also the Starter Plan team. You could also just move all boards from the Free Plan team and Delete it.

OK so the UI is clearer now, thanks. And fantastically expensive. Maybe I should start over:

I want to [a] take a board I’ve already made and shared with many new users via its link and db] move it to a university account I already have in order to oc] add lots of Visitors and give them free access to Edit that same board — without creating a new link for the board asince I’ve already shared it widely]. Is that possible? Any pitfalls I’m not thinking of? Thanks in advance.


The board link will not change as you move it between teams/subscriptions.

Do you have an Education Plan with Miro? If not, learn more and apply here →

Great idea, just applied. Thank you.

As long as you are the only Team Admin of your Free Plan, and that is the only Free Plan team that you are a Team Admin on, Miro should upgrade your Free Plan to an Education Plan team. If they don’t, and they create a whole new Team, you can still move any boards you own into that new team.

Hi there!

Thank you for reporting the bug.

We’re working on fixing the flow and will update you once we have any updates. 

All the best,


Hi there, 

Looks like the issue reported in this thread is no longer impacting this user. We want to ensure that everyone’s experience with our product is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, so please don't hesitate to reach out to the Support team if the issue persists.

We’ll be more than happy to re-open the investigation once we have additional information.

Thank you in advance!
