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Can colors be erased or reordered in the shapes color palette?. I have been experimenting with colors and the palette window is getting long and unmanageable

@Miguel Villagomez Very interesting. I had never considered this before as I have only added a handful of custom colours in the past. I suspect this use case never was never considered as I too cannot find any option to reset/delete/clear custom colours.

I would suggest posting this as a Wish List item. Including a screenshot would surely highlight the unmanageable scenario you are describing.

Hi @Miguel Villagomez and @Rob Johnson,

If you want to clear the palette of unused custom colors, just click-and-drag them outside the palette. Please note that the 16 default colors cannot be removed. 

Wow @Marina - that IS a pretty logical action and after searching I can see it is mentioned here: 



Thanks Marina and Kiron

Hi @Miguel Villagomez and @Rob Johnson,

If you want to clear the palette of unused custom colors, just click-and-drag them outside the palette. Please note that the 16 default colors cannot be removed. 

I seemed to reach the max as it wouldnt let me add any more, so I removed the ones I didnt need but it still wont let me add any more. When I click the plus icon, it just jumps to the color it was. Is this a bug?

@Zenzola - It could be, however I just demonstrated this to someone yesterday by removing all custom colors and then adding a new one. I just tried this again and it is working fine for me. I am using the latest Chrome browser on Windows 10. I would suggest re-launching your browser/Miro desktop/whichever application you are using to access Miro and try again.

@Zenzola - It could be, however I just demonstrated this to someone yesterday by removing all custom colors and then adding a new one. I just tried this again and it is working fine for me. I am using the latest Chrome browser on Windows 10. I would suggest re-launching your browser/Miro desktop/whichever application you are using to access Miro and try again.

Thank you! Yes, that fixed it. Maybe a cache issue.

Brilliant! just what I was looking for.

This community is Awesome!

Now I’d like to be able to rearrange them to have sets for different client’s logo colour schemes.


Go vote up the color pallet wish list item everybody:


Give it a +1 for a keyboard interface so we can do a /clear or something

Give it a +1 for naming colors so we can just type a couple characters to filter and find the color

Give it a +1 to help colorblind people.

Give it a +1 for saving multiple pallets...



This is a great mechanic. I love it!


Shoot, I was looking for a specific wish list item to remove all color palettes to either upvote or create myself, found this thread, then read on to realize that someone had linked my earlier Color Palette Management submission from 2020. Brand Center gets closer to addressing these initial requests, but there are still a number of opportunities for refinement, including all the items flagged here by @Jason Dinkel. Great calls Jason.

Specifically for this thread, manually dragging / dropping outside the frame to remove them is an unnecessary chore when colors are logged frequently.
