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I’ve been trying to export in high quality pdf and a pop-up appears saying “sorry, something went wrong while generating the PDF document”. 

@lola poblet - I was just able to successfully export a frame to a Best quality PDF from both Chrome and the desktop app (Windows 11 64-bit) using the following steps:

  1. Export this board action
  2. Save as PDF
  3. Best quality

Tested from this board →

Can you open that board, click on the board title, Duplicate it to your account, and try to export it to PDF?

If it works, there could be an object in your board/frame that is causing the error you are receiving. You could then create a duplicate of your own board and try to export from the duplicate. If that still doesn’t work, through a process-of-elimination, start deleting some objects and keep trying again.

Hi Robert, I can’t export the board on the link that you’ve sent. the same pop-up appears. 

@lola poblet - To confirm, you duplicated my board to your account and tried to export the new/duplicated board?

What is your setup? E.g., Windows/Mac? Are you trying this form a browser, if so, which one? Are you using the Miro desktop app?

If a browser, have you tried:

  1. From an incognito window? (usually disabled all browser extensions)
  2. Clearing the cache?

If you are using the Miro desktop app, try resetting the app data.

If you aren’t using the Miro desktop, what happens if you install and try using the Miro desktop app?

Hi @Robert Johnson ,


I encounter the same issue even today. I tried your suggestions and nothing works.

I have tried chrome, edge and I am using Windows 10.

I had the consultant license, which now expired and now I am having a trial license. I hope that should not be any limitation.


@Alok - I would suggest that you open a support ticket - instructions on how to the support form can be found here:

@Robert Johnson Thanks. I do it as you suggest.

I had the consultant license, which now expired and now I am having a trial license. I hope that should not be any limitation in exporting image as Vector.





Нi, I try to save my board as pdf best quality today, but I can't. But 5 days ago everithing was alright

I’ve had this problem in two situations. First, whenever my board had frames of very different sizes or shapes, somehow the PDF generator would fail.

But it also failed at times even when the frames where the same. Pretty awful, because I need to distribute my boards as PDFs.  Sometimes it would take a very, very long time to create a PDF - or, it would take a long time and then fail with that error message.

What I have found is that it depended on WHEN I tried to do this. When I worked at off-peak times or on weekends, the problem usually went away. So I suspect it had to do with the server requiring too much computing power.

Not sure if this can help you but maybe something to try.

I’ve been trying to export in high quality pdf blacktiedetailing and a pop-up appears saying “sorry, something went wrong while generating the PDF document”. 

Large and complex documents may have difficulty exporting to high-quality PDFs. Try exporting a smaller or less complex portion of your document to see if it works. If it does, consider breaking the document into smaller sections for export.

I’ve had this problem in two situations. First, whenever my board had frames of very different sizes or shapes, somehow the PDF generator would fail.

But it also failed at times even when the frames where the same. Pretty awful, because I need to distribute my boards as PDFs.  Sometimes it would take a very, very long time to create a PDF - or, it would take a long time and then fail with that error message.

What I have found is that it depended on WHEN I tried to do this. When I worked at off-peak times or on weekends, the problem usually went away. So I suspect it had to do with the server requiring too much computing power.

Not sure if this can help you but maybe something to try.


Thanks! I think you were right. Because the next day, from a different computer everything went well
