It appears that miro cares naught for usability. This has been a problem for many, many, many years. The fact that it is difficult to move from a browser tab to a native app is very, very frustrating. And… highly likely to be ingored for many years to come.
If you are looking to start Miro from the command line, one way it might work is -- instead of starting the Miro app from the command line -- start your browser from the command line, and ensure the browser will then start the Miro app.
I just tried this on my Mac by using a terminal window:
open "
It started my browser and, as usual, I got a message box asking me if I wanted to open the Miro app.
I also was able to open the Miro app directly from the command line on my Mac by doing the following:
open -a miro ""
Not sure how this would work on a Windows PC, or exactly what you are looking for, I am sure, but maybe it solves part of the problem?
@DerBastian - I have always been curious as to how this all worked, i.e., telling the OS – Windows here – which app should opened a URL.
I started by searching my registry for “realtimeboard” and “miro” which led me to a few sites with some info, and upon some search refinements, I learned that this method appears to be called “Custom Browser Protocols” – while that may have been known to some, it wasn’t to me.
My final best sources:
And what I ultimately learned, is that I can open the Miro desktop app directly from the Run dialogue box as follows:
- miroapp://
- "C:\Users\/USER ID]\AppData\Local\RealtimeBoard\Miro.exe" "miroapp://"
Hopefully this leads you to a solution.
@Robert Johnson
Thanks for your hint.
On my windows machine invoking
from the browser address bar worked.
From command line it wouldn’t work.
But your 2nd approach also worked (note: Miro app has to already run) - but just pasting it into the browser with the “miroapp://” prefix seems to be the easiest.
Thanks guys. The miroapp protocol works.
It just does not solve my issue: I get a link to a board in an email for example. There it is a normal https-link:
But its the same with the normal share links:
I would have to rewrite it into “miroapp://”.
My current workaround is:
- opening the miro links with my browser
- login into miro
- then after the board loads, the browser triggers the miroapp:// automatically and the board opens with the desktop app