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Notes associated with a frame rather than the entire board

I am using Miro for retrospective (for eg) and have a bunch of notes… for the next retrospective session the we just create a new frame, however, the notes from the previous retro stay there… We would like the notes to be associated with the frame itself, is this possible?

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • July 27, 2022

@Mohan Shash -

Unfortunately not - visual notes are associated with the board, not with the frame.

Some options are:

  1. A separate board per retro
  2. Use a different feature such as comments
  3. Have a section of the frame in which you capture the notes explicitly - the latter might be useful if you ever decided to export the contents as visual notes can only be exported as a standalone export by themselves
  4. Use visual notes, but have a section for each distinct retro and using bullets or checkboxes to capture the actions or summary points within each section


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • July 27, 2022

Thanks for your response, @Kiron Bondale. Hope this is considered a feature request, let me file that and see what happens.. In the interim I will would think adding a section to the frame and pasting/moving the notes so it’s cleared for the next session. It’s just easier to take notes on the side panel than in the frame itself as I am the one usually screen sharing as well.
