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Hello everyone, I hope your day is good.

I have a doubt, I have a miro premium license for ~50 users.
But I want to know if free restricted users can edit finished boards, move cards and write, just that, or do I have to pay to do that?




@Rangel -

If you are referring to the use of Visitors (i.e. providing access to a board without the need for the user to create a Miro account), then they can definitely edit and manipulate content in boards. To see the list of restrictions, review the content in this Help Center article:


@Rangel - I will assume that you have the Enterprise Plan as the Free Restricted License appears to be limited to the Enterprise Plan.

While I do not have any personal experience with the Enterprise Plan, from a quick read of the Free Restricted License help center article, these users appear to be limited to View and Comment access only:

As @Kiron Bondale mentions, if you need for them to have edit access without paying, a few optons are:

​​​​1. visitor access (note: a Company Admin may need to enable this for you - more info here).

2. Guest access (note: Your Enterprise Plan Account Manager may need to enable this for you).
