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I use Miro both on its own and embedded in an AV conferencing site called Whereby (link).  All works well for me at, but in Whereby+Miro I’ve suddenly lost the ability to open the “Pen” submenus.  I can click on Pen to use that tool, but can’t get the option to change stroke size or color any more.  The other menu items still work fine, each with their submenus opening as usual.

Is anyone here seeing a similar behavior?  Any advice on how to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advance for sharing some wisdom!


Edit:  I should specify that this behavior occurs whether I use a stylus pen or a mouse to click the Pen’s not some weird “windows ink” issue.

Edit #2:  The clients I meet with are seeing the same behavior on their end, i.e. everything else works but they cannot access the Pen submenus.

I am experiencing the same issue unfortunately. I am still looking for a solution, please let me know if you have found one! 

Hello Aimee!  Glad to hear it’s not just me.  I actually just submitted this issue to Miro support...I’ll post back here whatever they end up telling me.

Just heard back from Miro support:  they are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.  I’ll post again when I hear more.

Just got out of a session with a client, and the Pen tools seem to be back.  Looks like it’s fixed!
