Hi there,
Is there a recommended method for mass deployment of the Miro desktop app in an enterprise environment?
We specifically want to deploy the 64-bit version via SCCM but I am struggling to find any guidance.
An msi package or machine-wide installer (similar to MS Teams) would be ideal.
Best answer by Marina
Hi Cris,
Here is the reply from the tech team:
We can suggest using UWP app from MS store but only for Windows 10: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/miro-formerly-realtimeboard/9n236hqqtvnh it can be managed by Windows Store for Business Integration which available in update 1606 for SCCM: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/configuration-manager-archive/now-available-update-1606-for-system-center-configuration/ba-p/274025#
We will look into making it as an .msi file in the future.
If you have more questions around this topic, feel free to continue your conversation with the Support Team 
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