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Hi there! I am wondering if it is possible to make text vertical. I’d like to put “Instructions” vertically at the side of the instructions I’m giving in a workshop. Thanks so much!!!

Ah, I figured it out!!! No need to respond. :)

Hi @Natalie,

I’m glad you were able to get it figured out. :)

For future reference, for anyone else wondering how to make text vertical, simply resize the length of the text box until the text is vertical.

I hope that helps!

Michael Sohn



On a related topic, is it possible to rotate a text box so that it is vertical but the text does not become vertical (hard to explain in words)? Basically like a y axis label. I find that vertical text is kind of awkward to read...I was thinking more like 

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. 

Hi @Annabelle Glass,

Yes, it is possible to rotate the text box!

Simply type the text, then click and drag over the rotation arrow, which will be on the bottom left corner.

Here’s how it looks in Miro once rotated (rotation arrow now under the format settings):

Rotated text box

Here’s a clip I made rotating the text.

I hope that helps!

Michael Sohn

Interesting, @Michael Sohn. I did try that, and clicking on the rotate icon didn’t do anything, unfortunately. Possibly it’s a bug? 


Hi @Annabelle Glass,

Be sure to click and hold, rotating the text box to your liking. Clicking and letting go will not allow you to rotate.

I hope that helps!

Michael Sohn

Hi @Annabelle Glass,

Be sure to click and hold, rotating the text box to your liking. Clicking and letting go will not allow you to rotate.

I hope that helps!

Michael Sohn

Excellent! Thanks for the help!

@Annabelle Glass,

My pleasure. Happy collaborating!

Michael Sohn

I can’t get this to work.  

  1. Any resize changes the font size.  This can be a great feature or a very annoying one depending on what you are trying to do.  Perhaps holding a key could lock the font size?
  2. The text box does not shrink to a single character width.  Smallest is a 3 character width.






  1. If you use something like “Transaction Rate (ms)” the single character breakdown renders it unreadable because the parenthesis do not rotate so even if it resized to single character width (it does not), “Time (ms)” would look like this:









I can’t get this to work.  

  1. Any resize changes the font size.  This can be a great feature or a very annoying one depending on what you are trying to do.  Perhaps holding a key could lock the font size?
  2. The text box does not shrink to a single character width.  Smallest is a 3 character width.






  1. If you use something like “Transaction Rate (ms)” the single character breakdown renders it unreadable because the parenthesis do not rotate so even if it resized to single character width (it does not), “Time (ms)” would look like this:









It would be easy to use any vertical text tools such, I frequently use . It save lot of my time. 

Vertical Text doesn’t work - as Iris says when resizing box the text doesn’t shrink to one character per line.
