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Hi, I am a user with free plan, and I have been working solo on my board for a while. Today I got notification that I need to create a team and after I created it, I could not find my old board any more. I red the article describing the recovery process by finding the URL in our browsing history or email but I have none. I never sent the link to anyone and my job IT security clean up histories regularly so there is nothing to be found there. What can I do? Being on a free plan, I can’t even check a trash bin to see if it was accidentally put there.

I am very concerned my hard work just disapeared on me.

@Mélissa Lemieux - Let’s walk through what is most likely transpired:

  1. You were a member of a Free Plan team that someone else created. You were likely invited to collaborate on a board in this plan. At the time that someone invited you to the team, you did not have a Miro account profile with the email address that you are currently using.
  2. You created a board in this team.
  3. A member of the team – with the role of Team Admin – saw that someone(s) were creating boards in this team, therefore using up the 3-editable boards maximum and deleted you from the team.
  4. When you were deleted from the team, two things happened:
    1. The person who deleted you either chose a new owner of all boards that you created while you were or a member of the team OR they chose to delete them.
    2. The next time you opened Miro, it detected that your account profile was no longer a member of any teams and prompted you to create a new Free Plan.

Recovering your board

The only way you are going to recover this board, even if you have the link, is by a member of the team where the board still resides to take one of a number of actions:

  1. Add you back to the team and transfer ownership of the board to you – since they deleted you, this is not a likely option.
  2. (and the the simpler option) Find the board and
    1. set it’s Visitors access to Anyone with the link → Cab view 
    2. send you a link to the board
    3. And then you copy the board to your new account by opening it, clicking on the board title/name, and then using the Duplicate action button.

Finding out which team you were previously on

Before you can do any of the above steps, you need to find out which team you used to be on. If you know someone else on that team, reach out to them and explain what has happened and that you need either the owner of the team or any experienced team member (preferably who has the Team Admin role on that team) to help you – for context/instructions, you could even share this post with them.

If you don’t recall how you because a member of this team, try searching your emails for things like:

  • has invited you to edit on a board in Miro ← this is the text that is received when someone invites you to a board in a Free Plan team

How can someone find the board to set the Visitors access?

Another challenge here is that someone in the team you were previously a member of will need to find the board. As I mentioned earlier, they could have chose to delete any boards created by you when they deleted you from the team. Hopefully they opened the board first and could find the board in their browser history, open and restore it from the trash, and then set the Visitors access as I mentioned above and could send you a link so you can duplicate it to your new account.

When searching the browser history, they should be able to do this this by searching for “ NAME OF BOARD]”.

Best of luck!

Thanks. Sadly, it doesn’t solve my mystery as I was working solo in a team I created myself. So it relly is all about accessing my own trash bin. It sounds like there is no way to do it if you did not share the board somehere in an email where you could find the URL. :-(

@Mélissa Lemieux 

Today I got notification that I need to create a team and after I created it,

If you were asked to create a new team, then you were removed from the only team you were a member of -- seeing a message to create a new team is the only explanation that I know of. The board would be with that team still and not in your trash bin.

OK, I will investigate some more. Thanks.

Hi, I am in the exact same situation! My boards have disappeared this morning when I logged in. I use to use Miro regularly only for me for the past 2 years. I created 3 boards with all my clients’ sessions and my ideas and planning to find out that I can’t find them anywhere… 

It was like it was not the same experience as for the first time this morning I was asked to be in a team and I could see all the boards that once were shared with me but not mine. 

I have upgraded to see if it’d make a difference but nothing.

I feel very bad to have lost all this work


This is what I get when I used a past URL for one of my board… 

How come I am not the owner of my own board?


Any help would be greatly appreciated,

