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'Last modified by' should only include ACTUAL changes made to the sticky note.

Last modified by: should only note the actual CHANGES made to the sticky note.


NEW field idea:

Last MOVED by. 


This can cause miscommunication among team members. Editing someone else’s sticky note then having someone MOVE it would mask the identity of those who actually EDITED the note!

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • October 5, 2020

@Duke  - Wow! Yes, I see what you mean. I created an object. Then I signed in as another user and changed the text and the Activity List did show that other user’s name along with the new text. However, as soon as I moved the sticky back under my ID, the log entry showing the changed text updated to show my user ID and the date/time, so now it looks like I made the text change.

Even the Audit Logs feature (only available for Enterprise Plans) does not appear to include this level of detail.

I’d recommend adding this feedback/request as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.


Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Duke, @Robert Johnson,

I see the point, it makes sense, but actually if we deep dive into all actions, there may be more different fields, like edited text, moved, changed color, added a tag, etc…

Could you elaborate a little bit on what is your goal to have such details? What are your needs behind this? It will help us to make a better decision on a possible solution.



  • Author
  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 19, 2020

Ya, implement a feature for users to see what changes were made (like github but simpler). If you have that then great. If not then there’s an idea.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • October 25, 2020

@Anton Telitsyn - I will let @Duke speak as to his specific use case, however, the concern I see is that that there is no history of text changes made to at least sticky notes and shapes. Example: One user creates a sticky note and enters text, then another user modifies the text, and now the original text is lost:


Also, when an activity list entry shows an object as being “edited”, there is no indication as to what the edit action was - text change, moved, etc. Again, though, I see the biggest issues as being “what the text in the object before it was changed and who changed it?”

Miro only appears to displaying one log per object per day and updating that log as changes happen. From an audit perspective, one would expect to see more information.

Examples watch as I move/edit the text of these two objects as two different users - the end result is that we only see the last known state, not the full activity:



  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • October 31, 2020

So is this a question of versioning individual items on a board (a stickie or a mindmap node) vs. the whole board? So, like reversing one commit without undoing everything that followed that commit?

Dirk Schollbach

I’d also like a “moved” field in the element info. I think moving an element and changing its content (text, size, colour, shape) are very different things.

In my situation we have a many people placing sticky notes to a board, and afterwards they are moved around by differnt people but the texts on them stay basically the same. Rarely there are edits to the texts or colours, but if they occur those modification are meaningful. Updating the modified time and user with every little placement adjustment, is in my eyes not helpful.

Having an element-wise edit history could be nice, but also seems a bit like overkill.
