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[KNOWN BUG] How can I add a new node to my Mind map with the iPad + Apple Pencil?

  • 4 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi, the problem I have is that the + symbol overlaps with the resize button when trying to add a new node with the iPad. If I zoom in a lot I’d get to do it, but having to zoom in all the time would be very counter productive. I’ve attached screenshots on what I’m experiencing. Is there a workaround to this using iPad with Apple Pencil?


Plus symbol when I zoom in a lot
Overlap in normal view


2 replies

Userlevel 3

Hey there!
I’m afraid that we have a bug on our side and thus, the iPad app does not allow to add new Mind-Map nodes. We escalated the issue to the Dev team and will keep you posted on our progress. Please bear with us!

Hi Helga, thanks for the update! Hoping for a quick fix

