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Hi guys from Miro Board, i’m using Miro with a team of 4 or 5 people at a time but lately it has felt very sluggish to move around it, as if there were some packet loss, i haven’t felt any kind of problems using other apps but just miro takes a lot of times to refresh the screen and to move even if zoomed into a particular part, i don’t know if it is cos what i’ve been doing or if i have reached some kind of limit to what it can deal with, certainly when we tested Mural with the same workload it didn’t suffer this, i wonder if it is because it’s the free version or if this is expected behavior, any ideas?

@Norman Gan I have not noticed anything that I would attribute to Miro’s service being the culprit. The only times I have noticed any reductions in speed ever since I started using Miro over 2.5 years ago appeared to be the result browser memory/my laptop. To resolve this, I re-launched my browser. Alternatively, I sometimes use the Miro desktop app (not the ‘lite’ version that is in the Microsoft Store). The same behavior I have described applies to both the Free and Consultant plans I am a part of. I have no reason to believe that Miro throttles bandwidth for Free Plans, but this would be best confirmed by someone at Miro. @Marina: Any comment?

The ex-technical support tech in me has so many questions, but this probably isn’t the forum for troubleshooting network related issues. Instead, if you haven’t already, I would suggest searching Miro’s Help Center. A quick query did return this result related to improving performance:

@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

Very interesting. You may take the prize for number of stickies on a board! Perhaps it is work reporting to the Support team as someone at Miro may wish to observe the board behavior themselves. You can contact support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

Very interesting. You may take the prize for number of stickies on a board! Perhaps it is work reporting to the Support team as someone at Miro may wish to observe the board behavior themselves. You can contact support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

I can’t because i’m using the free version which has no support.

@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

Very interesting. You may take the prize for number of stickies on a board! Perhaps it is work reporting to the Support team as someone at Miro may wish to observe the board behavior themselves. You can contact support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

I can’t because i’m using the free version which has no support.

This would be news to me as I haven’t submitted any support requests from my Free Plan in quite some time, but when I go to the following link from an Incognito window in Chrome (while not signed in), I am able to complete the Submit a request form (I just didn’t try clicking Submit).

Are you able to load the form? Submit? The email domain I am using on my Free Plan does have some people in other teams in the organization who have a paid Team Plan, so maybe the form is letting me get through.


@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

Very interesting. You may take the prize for number of stickies on a board! Perhaps it is work reporting to the Support team as someone at Miro may wish to observe the board behavior themselves. You can contact support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

I can’t because i’m using the free version which has no support.


Is it time do you think to get the boss to authorise paying a small fee ?

A single month of consultant would be only $15 :-)

if you and your 5 team mates cost $50/hr each and the help saves you 3mins/hr as a team they have got the money back every hour 🙂 !

Hi again

Dunno if you’ve seen this  - Not as useful as @Rob Johnson  ’s link for how to improve performance but clearly says scaling is in the miro team’s focus and that performance is unlikely to be connection count oriented


@Rob Johnson I wonder if there’s a javascript issue or perhaps a scale issue, i have one canvas with more than 5000 sticky notes, and 5 people connected concurrently, given that this app is made in javascript and when it logs in starts to render and it takes a while to load, i was wondering if there’s a backend issue.

I’m now using a VPN connected to NY and from that to Miro which makes it work kind of the same, so i wonder.

Very interesting. You may take the prize for number of stickies on a board! Perhaps it is work reporting to the Support team as someone at Miro may wish to observe the board behavior themselves. You can contact support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

I can’t because i’m using the free version which has no support.


Is it time do you think to get the boss to authorise paying a small fee ?

A single month of consultant would be only $15 :-)

if you and your 5 team mates cost $50/hr each and the help saves you 3mins/hr as a team they have got the money back every hour 🙂 !

Oh i’d love to, but there are many reasons for which they haven’t done that, basically because there are a few teams testing Mural.

@Norman Gan 

I can understand that - but $15 to get some help is cheaper than the time-based-cost of trawling the community at a guess.

Re: Mural it has - imho - a few really nice facilities that miro lacks if your presenting or if your brainstorming with different shaped stickies but overall its not currently as capable - 

@Norman Gan

I can understand that - but $15 to get some help is cheaper than the time-based-cost of trawling the community at a guess.

Re: Mural it has - imho - a few really nice facilities that miro lacks if your presenting or if your brainstorming with different shaped stickies but overall its not currently as capable - 

I have no budget control over these things, so i can’t really take the decision, an about Mural, well there got to be a technical report with findings, a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of both based on results, and so on, you know sometimes incorporating new software takes its time.
