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Hello, hello,

Is it possible to invite external guests to become members of certain Project within one Team without them being part of the Team itself?

Every time when we have a meeting we need to send an invitation for every new board we make within the project, would it be possible to just make an invitation for the Project but without them being able to participate in other Projects within the Team?

Thanks in advance! )

@Petar Petricevic -

Yes, if you add them as members of the project and don’t alter the permissions of the boards within the project separately they would have access to those boards only within that one project.


@Petar Petricevic You mention "external guests" and "without them being part of the Team itself". If you are looking to invite Guest Editors at the Project level, then, no, this is not possible. Only paid team members (both Full or Occasional/Day pass licsened users) can be added at the Project level.

The Guest Editor and Projects help articles do not state explicitly state this, but I cannot find a way to do this (although, I don't have access to a Team, Business, or Enterprise plan to confirm there).

If by "without them being part of the Team itself" you are are willing to pay for a seat for them on the Team, but only want them to see/editor boards in a specific Project, then I believe you will need to

1. Add them to the Team.

2. Add them to your desired Project.

3. Set the board level permissions to all other boards that are not in that project to Anyone at ateam name] team to No access.
