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Install location and Automatic updates

  • September 21, 2021
  • 1 reply

Dear Miro team, 

I work for the Council of Europe as an IT Technician. I want to create a Silent/Unattented package that installs Miro. 

Currently, the miro.exe file installs the software at %APPDATA%\Local\… And the default installer doesn’t seem to provide a way to change the install location. The idea would be to install it outside of the user profile, in Program Files. Do you know how to change the default location ?

Secondly, the app seems to update automatically which is an issue to us who use the applocker. Is there a way to disable the automatic update with a commandline ? (Could be registery, or just an argument during the installation?)

Thanks for the help, 


Charly F

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  • Mironeer
  • 168 replies
  • September 23, 2021

Hi @Charly FR,

Thanks for sharing! We’ve converted your post into a ticket because this particular case requires further investigation. Rest assured soon you will be approached by Technical Support Team!
