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Hi. I’m a private tutor and give most of my lessons online. I’m thinking about switching to Miro, and I’m trying to find the best way of achieving what I’m looking for.

As an example, let’s say I have three students, called Alice, Bob, and Charlie.

I would want to create a folder for Alice, a folder for Bob, and a folder for Charlie.

Every time I have a lesson with Alice, I would want to create a new board in the ‘Alice’ folder. Similarly for Bob and Charlie. (I imagine that creating a new board for every lesson would prevent lag).

I would want Alice to have full access to all the boards in the ‘Alice’ folder (including editing permission), but I wouldn’t want her to have access to the boards in the other students’ folders.

If I then acquired a new student called David, I would want to be able to easily create a new folder for David, without having to pay extra or modify my plan.

Would this type of arrangement be possible in Miro? Which plan do you think best suits my needs?

Many thanks!

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