
How does Miro accounts work with Microsoft Teams app?

  • 29 November 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi All, 

Something’s not working the way I am expecting it to. I have a Miro account and an educational team within it. In our university’s Microsoft Teams there is an app for Miro. If I try to use this, the app prompts me for my Miro username/email, I enter this but then it seems to want me to setup a new password and account. Should it not just link through to my own personal Miro account? Here’s a video showing what I am trying to do. Any ideas? Thanks, Will

2 replies

Hi @Will Moindrot 
I’d be happy to help here!

I’m afraid I couldn’t access the video that you shared. However, I’ll convert this post into a support ticket so that you can share your video recording within that thread. We’ll be sure to further investigate the issue that you’ve been facing with the Miro app for Microsoft Teams.

Speak to you soon!

Just to update on here in case anyone else was following: I had forgotten to hit publish on the video in Youtube, but Arin showed me that I had somehow missed the ‘Sign In’ button at to top-right of the window that appears. After signing in it showed me the Miro boards from my personal account, and it also seems to provide options for access to team members, so issue resolved! Thanks Arin, 


