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How do I shrink default text size 'User Story Framework Mapping' Cards

  • 19 July 2020
  • 3 replies


I searched and did not see this question asked before… So here it goes.



This whole post is regarding ‘User Story Framework Mapping’ Board Template.


Is there a way to shrink the text size on the ‘Cards’ of the ‘User Story Framework Mapping Template? It is difficult to read when the text expands.




See Image Attached.  

Basically I have many ‘activities’ which are like:

  • User Module 1 - Sub Module (A) - Type (A)
  • User Module 1 - Sub Module (A) - Type (B)
  • User Module 1 - Sub Module (B) - Type (A)
  • User Module 1 - Sub Module (B) - Type (B)


For example:

  • Community Area - Friendships - View All
  • Community Area - Friendships - View single relationship - Detail
  • Community Area - Following- View All
  • Community Area - Following- View single relationship - Detail
  • Community Area - Followers - View All
  • Community Area - Followers - View single relationship - Detail


As you can see on the screenshot, the only thing that I can see is ‘Community Area...’ and none of the text.  It makes navigating large user Story Framework maps very difficult as I need to ‘zoom in’ and ‘click’ on reach activity to see the full-text-title of the Activity.  Currently it is impossible to identify the activity when the text is large.


Link to image:


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @hamster_elite,

I’m afraid there is no way to change the default text size of the cards. 

As a workaround, what if you add a [tag] at the beginning of the title? 

Hey @hamster_elite,

I’m afraid there is no way to change the default text size of the cards. 

As a workaround, what if you add a [tag] at the beginning of the title? 

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late reply!

Forgive my ignorance… What is this [tag] feature you speak of?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

No worries! :slight_smile:

This is not a feature, it’s just if you manually write smth in brackets at the beginning of the title so that you can easily recognize the card.
