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I created a new board from the Miro Kanban Framework template, and as I was adding cards, I deleted tags that I didn’t need (because I added a bunch of custom tags and didn’t want these other tags cluttering up my list of tags). When I went back into my board later, I saw all the tags I’d deleted showing up on my cards. I looked at the board history, and I was the only one who’d edited it. Is there a shared tag library across all boards in my company’s Miro library? By deleting unnecessary tags in my board, did I remove those tags from other teams’ boards, forcing those teams to re-create the tags (which then added them back to my board)? If not, then why did those tags reappear in my board?

Hi Diane!

This is some funny behaviour on your board and certainly nothing that’s expected! I tried to reproduce what you describe but when I create a Kanban framework, add tags and then remove them - they remain gone after closing and reopening my board.

What you do on your board should have no implications on anyone else’s board. Have you spoken to any of your colleagues or gotten any feedback from anyone regarding this?

Also, has this happened again since you posted this? Or was this a one-time off occurrence?

If you encounter this issue again, could you please try these basic troubleshooting steps and share the results with us:

1. Try the Incognito mode or any other browsers' Private mode or window. This allows us to rule out the possibility that the issue is caused by cache and cookies or some browser extensions. If you have some extensions enabled in the Incognito/Private mode - please temporarily disable them.

If in the Incognito mode everything works fine, please make sure to clear your browser's cache and cookies and then sign out and back into your Miro profile anew before checking the process in the standard mode. Additionally, please disable all extensions for your browser.

2. Turn your VPN off/on.​
3. Switch to another browser/network/device and check the situation there.


I hope this helps! Do let us know how this goes for you! :pencil2:

Hi, thanks for the response! I’m hesitant to try to reproduce the problem because I am now very nervous about impacting other teams’ boards in my organization. But in your description, I notice you use the word “remove.” I just want to be sure my distinction between “remove” and “delete” was clear: I DELETED the tags and didn’t just REMOVE them from cards. After the deleted tags reappeared on my cards, I then REMOVED them, and they didn’t come back to those cards again (but of course they’re now cluttering up the list of tags I can choose from when adding tags to cards). Should DELETING tags affect other Miro boards in my organization?

Hi again, Diane!

I’m sorry for not expressing myself clearly - you are right, what I meant to say was Delete them:


Deleting them (or adding them or editing them or anything with them really!) should not affect any other boards. 

Has any of your co-workers said anything whether their boards were affected? Did you manage to take a screenshot by any chance of when that happened? And - last question, I promise 😉 - how did you remove the tags if you didn’t delete them?

Thanks for your patience in helping me trying to figure this out!:mag_right:

I tried reproducing my steps today but did not see the issue occur. So it must have just been a weird fluke.

What I meant by “removing” the tags is just toggling (un-highlighting) a tag in the list of tags associated with a card so that it’s no longer displayed on that specific card, as opposed to deleting the tag from the board altogether.

I’m relieved to know that what I do to my board doesn’t affect other boards in my org. Thank you for providing that reassurance!
