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Help, please. Issues with pasting images onto the board. Annoying and disappointing

Hello, community! Could you help me, please?


Since the very beginning of using the Miro board, I’ve had issues with pasting the images onto the boards. I remember contacting the support, though it didn’t help.

 When I paste an image, it’s always teeny-tiny on the board/inside the frame, no matter how big it was originally. I need to zoom in the frame, and it becomes insanely large until I see the boarders of the image and can enlarge it. Then I zoom everything out. t happens all the  time, with all the images I paste. It’s really a waste of time and irritating. Because of this, I switched to a Google Jamboard; however, as you might know, Google have decided to dismiss the board. Thus, I’m trying to give Miro the second chance.

here’s a short video, I genuinely failed to enlarge the image, and I wasn’t pretending


 Do you all have the same issues with pasting images? Your feedback matters, help please 

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Try two things.

  1. Put an object on the frame first. Let’s see what the scale of your frame is to begin with.
    1. I suspect that the image will be approximately the same size as a box flow chart object.
    2. If not we can try more
  2. You might be copying a thumbnail image instead of a full size image.
    1. My test was to right click on the image of the Miro logo from my google search and paste it in.

And I think I found it. You are zoomed out to 3%. Your Frame is HUGE!!!

Look at my last pic. When pasting in, my view is at 100%



  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 4, 2023

Hello, Michael! I appreciate your time and reply. Could you, please, tell me more about the view of 3% which is huge, and 100% which is normal.  I feel you are right here, but I might be doing smthg wrong. If I zoom in to 100%, I’ll get an enormous photo (it’s in my screenshot).  Your 100% look like my 3%   Do you know if I can do anything about it? 


and yes, sometimes I copy a thumbnail, and it’s never an issue on the other boards I use. Thus, I’ve just copied a full-sized image, and the result is a lil better, at least I don’t need to constantly zoom in and zoom out the frame. Thank you, now I know 


edit: moreover, I have the same issue with a text field. When I add it, I cannot type anything simply bc it’s too small. 



  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 4, 2023



seems, I’ve figured it out. I’ll leave it here in case somebody is also having these issues 

  1. First, you zoom in until you get 100%
  2. Add a frame
  3. Paste an image (preferably a full-sized one) or a text field, or whatever you need 

Thanks to Michael James 🤗


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 4, 2023

A few notes/tips about zoom:

  • When you create a new board, 100% is the default zoom.
  • To get back tot 100%, you can
    • use the Ctrl/Cmd + 0 (zero) shortcut
    • Click on the zoom numerical value:

