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Hi, I've duplicated a frame that included comments. Didn't notice that the comments weren't duplicated. So I started editing the original frame, deleting many comments. Shit! lot's of thoughts now lost in cyber space.. With version history I have recovered the frame. how do I now duplicate it to the board I am working on? or is there another way to retrieve deleted comments? 

@Carlijn - Yikes – I feel your pain! While Comments not be copied/duplicated is noted in the Comments help center article, it seems to go against the expected pattern of behaviour, e.g., in Word and Excel, when you copy-paste objects with Comments, the Comments are also duplicated. And at least 200 other folks want Comments to be copied too as per this Wish List post:

My only thought for salvation for you in this scenario is, if you have a paid or Education Plan subscription, you could restore a previous version of the board:

Thanks for your reply @Robert Johnson ! Good to hear that there’s many others with the same wish for regarding functionality. too bad it was already brought up 3 years ago. Many new functions in Miro in the meantime, but not this ‘simple’? fix..

I first checked the Help centre yesterday. There it’s stated that: *⚠️ Comments attached to objects cannot be copied, cut, or pasted along with the objects. Additionally, comments cannot be exported. However, if you duplicate a board, any comments will be copied along with it.* 

However, I didn’t duplicate a board, I duplicated a frame within the board. 

Yes, I recovered the comments through the restore version. Now copying the comments from that frame to the newest version of the board (as I’ve been editing other frames in the meantime). Well well, not ideal and time-costly, but at least they weren’t really lost forever ;)

We use Miro for client workshops and comments are an essential component that should be exportable and shared with clients as are any other projet artifacts. 
