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Hello miro team, I need some help for frames.  In order to create a presentation, if I'm not wrong, we need a frame. But once i created a frame it always stays in my mindmap. However I want it to stay as a layer. Whenever i need then i want to see them. In many other mindmapping tools like mindomo etc, they have a presentation page. In those pages you can create as many frames as you can. And those are not seen in your own working area. But in miro, when I create a frame to make a slide, it always stays in page and causes confusion and distraction.

@serdar - Welcome to the Community!

You are correct in that you do need frames for a presentation. However, there is currently no layering feature in Miro. I suggest that you add your vote to the following Wish List Idea post: Layers

There are also a number is Wish List posts for frames that you may want to upvote:

If none of these reflect what you are trying to accomplish, or there are other features that you would like to see in Miro, you can create your own wish list post by following these guidelines:


thanks a lot for the quick response. ı ll definitely attend voting parts
